
Pump Screed for Underfloor Heating

Case study – planning and execution of screed floor for underfloor heating

The Scenario

This case study details a large executive house build with underfloor heating where Gypsol HTC was chosen because the floor zone only allowed for a maximum depth of 45 mm screed with some areas only having 20mm cover to the UFH pipes.

The client also needed a screed with high thermal conductivity in order to optimise the efficiency of the underfloor heating system and to minimise energy use. Gypsol HTC, having a thermal conductivity of 2.5W/mK and a low mass due to its thin section enabling a rapid response to changes in air temperature, met all of the requirements of both architect and client.[/vc_column_text][vc_images_carousel images=”567,568″ img_size=”full” autoplay=”yes” wrap=”yes” css_animation=”fadeIn” el_class=”image-carousel”][vc_column_text]

The Solution

The building program also required the 750m2 of screed to be installed in a single pour. The chosen supplier therefore had to be capable of supplying the 33 cubic metre supply continuously during the pour. Hope Construction Materials were selected and supplied the screed from their Egham, Surrey manufacturing plant.[/vc_column_text][vc_column_text]The client was so pleased with the outcome they sent the following message:

“A big thank you to Kevin and William at Flow Screed Services Surrey Ltd. Can you please thank all your team for all their effort on Thursday 15th January 2015. We are very pleased with the screed and grateful to you and your team for carrying out the whole process so efficiently.”

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